All My Friends Are Still Dead

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All My Friends Are Still Dead

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ISBN: 9781452106960
author: Jory John / Avery Monsen
publishing house: Chronicle Books
publication date: 2012 -3
series: All my friends...
language: English
binding: Hardcover
price: USD 9.95
number of pages: 108

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我的朋友都死了1 (楓書坊 2014)
我所有的朋友都死了 (中信出版社 2013)
All My Friends Are Dead (Chronicle Books 2010)
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Jory John / Avery Monsen   


From the authors of the breakout national bestseller All My Friends Are Dead (more than 100,000 copies in print) comes a brand new illustrated compendium of the humourous existential ruminations of people, animals, legendary monsters, and inanimate objects. Readers will appreciate the plight of the light bulb whose only friends are burnouts, the caterpillar whose friends have all really changed, the cookie whose friends are crumbs, the cactus whose friends always kind of look like they're flipping you off, the robot who was not programmed to understand the concept of friendship, and many more, and fans new and old will laugh (and cry) out loud with this new, darkly funny celebration of the inevitable.


All my friends are still dead
About the Authors
