Understanding comics - World anime classic tutorial

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Understanding comics - World anime classic tutorial

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ISBN: 9787115218261
author: [美] 麦克劳德
translator: 万旻
publishing house: 人民邮电出版社
publication date: 2010 -4
language: zh
binding: 平装
price: 49.00元
number of pages: 215

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[美] 麦克劳德    translator: 万旻


cover, Telecom Press; 1 (April 1, 2010), Pages 215 Chinese. Posts Telecom Press; 1 (April 1, 2010 ). Understanding Comics is a popular comic art to the public started teaching the book, the book visualize the role of lead us through step by step unde...


1 为漫画正名 2
2 漫画词汇表 24
3 漫画的语法 60
4 时间构成 94
5 线条的生命 118
6 表现和陈述 138
7 六步法则 162
8 色彩浅谈 185
9 合成 193
