The Book of Goose

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The Book of Goose

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ISBN: 9780374606343
author: Yiyun Li / Yiyun Li
publishing house: Farrar, Straus and Giroux
publication date: 2022 -9
language: English
binding: Hardcover
price: USD 27.00
number of pages: 368

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Yiyun Li / Yiyun Li   


Fabienne is dead. Her childhood best friend, Agnès, receives the news in America, far from the French countryside where the two girls were raised--the place that Fabienne helped Agnès escape ten years ago. Now, Agnès is free to tell her story.
As children in a war-ravaged, backwater town, they'd built a private world, invisible to everyone but themselves--until Fabienne hatched the plan that would change everything, launching Agnès on an epic trajectory through fame, fortune, and terrible loss.
A magnificent, beguiling tale winding from the postwar rural provinces to Paris, from an English boarding school to to the quiet Pennsylvania home where Agnès can live without her past,
is a haunting story of friendship, art, exploitation, and memory by the celebrated author Yiyun Li.
