The Russian Army of the Napoleonic Wars (1)

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The Russian Army of the Napoleonic Wars (1)

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ISBN: 9780850457377
author: Haythornthwaite, Philip J. / Illustrator
publishing house: Osprey Publishing
publication date: 1987 -4
series: Men at Arms
binding: Paperback
price: $ 20.28
number of pages: 48

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Infantry 1799–1814

Haythornthwaite, Philip J. / Illustrator   


In 1795 the Russian army was as vast as the territory from which it was drawn. The College of War calculated that the regular army amounted to 541,741 men, plus 46,601 enrolled cossacks, and at least a further 100,000 irregular cavalry which could be mobilised in time of war. Inspired by the icons paraded by their priests before battle, the Russian infantry were capable of astonishing feats and total, blind obedience to orders. Philip Haythornwaite examines the organisation and uniforms of the remarkable Russian infantry troops who fought in the Napoleonic Wars (1799-1815).


The Russian Army Organisation Uniforms, Alexander I: Line Infantry Jager Uniforms Guard Uniform; 1801-14 Opelchenie (Militia) Colours Plates
