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artist: Mark Knopfler
publisher: Virgin EMI
release date: March 16, 2015
genre: 摇滚
barcode: 0602547129284
album type: 专辑
album media: Audio CD

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Mark Knopfler’s eighth studio album, Tracker, will be released on March 16, 2015 (March 17 in North America). The album features 11 new songs inspired by a wide range of subjects including Beryl Bainbridge and Basil Bunting. The songs contain Mark’s usual wryly but accurately observed vignettes of real life wrapped up in a musical accompaniment of distinctive subtlety.


1 Laughs and Jokes and Drinks and Smokes
2 Basil
3 River Towns
4 Skydiver
5 Mighty Man
6 Broken Bones
7 Long Cool Girl
8 Lights of Taormina
9 Silver Eagle
10 Beryl
11 Wherever I Go featuring Ruth Moody
